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Catzpah - A Game of Mischief

Play as Rufus the cat as you wander around the house creating a mess! · By Cabrown


Recent updates

Post Jam Release
The Game Jam is over so it's time to unleash the post-jam release! Major Features I added a few major features to Catzpah after the game jam release. You can ex...
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Game Jam Retrospective
The ranking period is over for the Game Jam and the results are in! Overall, Catzpah ranked 10th with an average overall score of 3.25. I would say this was pre...
Game Jam Final Hours - Another Level?
I know, I know. I said I wasn't going to write another one of these... The Game Jam timeline was revised by 24 hours, so I decided to make another level! Introd...
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Game Jam Day 5.5 - Release Day
I feel good with the state of Catzpah, and I'm ready to submit it to the Game Jam as well as release it into the wild. New Stuff I got a "pause" menu working. I...
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Game Jam Day 5 - The Jam is in the Kitchen
My headset needs an update, so I'm writing this post a little earlier than usual. It's day 5, and the game feels nearly complete! Sound of Music I decided on a...
Game Jam Day 4 - HUDs, Menus, and a New Level - Oh My!
Today was a productive day on the game thanks to a lighter day at work! Let's get right into things! Heads Up Display : I got my HUD looking a lot closer to wha...
Game Jam Day 3 - Scoring!
Another day, another feature! The work from today has brought about a scoring system! Scoring: I played around with some scoring options, and think I have settl...
Game Jam Day 2 - Physics and First Level
Day 2 has come and gone. I work full time, so I wasn't able to make too much progress in the game. I was, however, able to get some cute interactions working in...

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