Game Jam Day 3 - Scoring!

Another day, another feature! The work from today has brought about a scoring system!


I played around with some scoring options, and think I have settled on this one. The game starts off by getting a list of all objects that can be scored. Then, as each item reaches the scoring area (just off the coffee table in the living room level), it gets removed from the list of scorable objects so that it cannot be scored again. Its linear and angular velocity when it enters the scoring area along with the object's mass are all rolled into a neat little scoring method. A combo timer is started to give the player about 2 seconds to chain together scores which then add a multiplier to the combo score. 

Below, I have the output console showing a couple combos and a couple single scoring plays. I would like for the new item listed in the "COMBO" line to appear with some pizazz on the HUD.

Speaking of the HUD:

Oof. I'm bad at making heads up displays. At the end of the night tonight, it doesn't update with the score, it is way off center, and the font looks blurry. I have a lot of work to do on this...

One More Thing:

I created a little level template for myself. If I get some extra time, I could probably crank out extra levels a little faster! It includes the scoring features, a node structure that is easy to work with, and the player character with all of the useful features from this first level.

What's Left:

There are 3 and a half days left. I have a small list of things that absolutely need to be done, and a much larger list of things I want to get done. Let's start with the must haves:

  • The Heads Up Display needs to work. It would be nice if it was pretty, but it needs to at least update with the current score.
  • The Credits button doesn't work from the menu. I need to create a Credits scene
  • The game needs an ending. When will the level be done? I'm thinking about starting a timer once the player leaves the play surface. I think that offers a nice relaxing vibe while still not making the game too clunky with menus.
  • I need to add sounds and music to the game. I have some ideas of what I'm looking for, just need to actually do it.

Now on to my nice to haves:

  • I want the HUD to look pretty and be exciting. If I could, I would take the name of each item, pop it on the screen at the end of the combo text, and grow/wiggle it around to make it feel fun.
  • I would like more than 1 level. An office would be fun, as would a kitchen. 
  • A pause menu that allows level restarts or takes you back to the main menu would be so nice. The pause menu should also show the score for the current level you are playing.
  • More clutter to knock around would be cool
  • I would like to find others to test the game on more systems. It should be fully XR compatible, since I'm not using any advanced controls. I only have a Quest 2 for testing, so having more availability would be cool
  • Level continuity. It would be neat to see the next level around the corner of the house or up the stairs before getting to play in it.

With all these must haves and wants, I need a plan. How will I spend my next 3 and a half days? I think that, tomorrow, I'll work on the HUD and Credits pages. That should be mostly 2D work, so it might be nice to knock it all out at once. The following day, I should work on sound and music. Then, Friday, I can create an ending and scene transitions to the game. With the time I have left Friday and Saturday, I will try to make the HUD look pretty, get a pause menu in, and add another level or two. Finally, towards the end of the day Saturday (before the deadline), I will build, export, and publish the game for any systems I can. 

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